Real Estate in the D.C.-Baltimore-Annapolis triangle, by Margaret Woda

Thursday, December 21, 2006

December Update - New real estate newsletter

If it seems to you like all the real estate economists are forecasting doom for the market, take a look at REAL TRENDS - DEC. 2006, which I'm sharing with you today. It may help you separate fact from fiction; it will, at least, provide some interesting reading for anyone who may be interested in real estate, whether you are a real estate professional, homeowner, investor or potential buyer.

I had intended to piggyback on some of these articles and insert my own 2 cents, but it's fairly lengthy. Why don't you take a look, send me your comments, and I'll decide from there which elements of the report to expand upon in future blogs.

This update is published by the Metropolitan Regional Information System (MRIS), a regional multiple listing service owner by local associations of REALTORS in the Middle Atlantic states.


For feedback or more information:

December Update - New real estate newsletter

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Crofton, Maryland, United States
Helping home sellers, buyers and military personnel in the Annapolis/Baltimore/D.C. triangle is still my passion after thirty years in real estate. How can I help you?

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